Our vision begins with You.
Our vision begins with You.
Alone with memories from 18,
things I wish were unseen.
Too scared to sleep in case I dream,
who will wake me from my screams?
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) a psychiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, series of traumatic events or set of circumstances. Initially PTSD was unknown and referred to as "shell shock" following World War I and "combat fatigue" following World War II.
People suffering with PTSD experience intense, disturbing and often debilitating thoughts and feelings related to their trauma. These are relived through nightmares and flashbacks and are exhibited as intense sadness, anger, rage, fear, anxiety, social distancing and may lead to suicide.
PTSD is not limited to combat veterans but may occur in all people regardless of ethnicity, social standing, culture or age. Currently 3.5% of adults in the United States are affected annually whilst approximately 20% of our military men and women returning home now suffer with PTSD.
PO Box 22, Barksdale
Texas 78828
PH. (830) 834-9878
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