Our vision begins with You.
Our vision begins with You.
Total size 2,420 square feet,
Seating capacity 100, Insulated mother and baby cry room, Sound Room, Store room, Office, Bathroom and
Coffee station.
Total size 2,240 square feet,
Kitchen & Storage 600 square feet, Dining room 1,440 square feet, Seating capacity 100
and Bathroom 130 square feet.
Construction cost $343,350.00
Total size 2,700 square feet,
Seating capacity 100,
Main room #1 - 1,440 square feet,
Rooms #2 & #3 - 750 square feet.
Recreational area - 300 square feet
Bathroom - 130 square feet
African themed accommodation, designed to provide a comfortable and relaxing experience for both retreat participants and when not in use by the retreat as Airbnb accommodation. 25 units with a sleeping capacity of 50. The additional income will ensure the financial sustainability of the project and provided funds for ongoing development of the grounds.
25 Individual units of 360 squarer feet totaling 9,000 square feet.
PO Box 22, Barksdale
Texas 78828
PH. (830) 834-9878
Copyright © 2023 Breaking Bread Retreat.